Author Interviews

Author Interviews

For authors interested in promoting their books, one of the best ways is by letting others know more about you as an author, your story, your experience and your book. All of this can be done during interviews at virtual or in-person events. When others have a chance you hear an author speak, they are most likely to purchase the author’s book(s). In preparation for any interview, creating a one pager with all the details can really help. This one pager should contain enough information for an interviewer to have an overview of the author.


Here is a list on the recommended information or aspects to include:

  • Book title and metadata
  • Book synopsis
  • Author Bio
  • Book cover, and author photo
  • Quotes
  • Well designed
  • Award logo, category, and quick background.
  • Contact information & website
  • Questions for interviewers to ask the author (5-10).


Having this pager with all the details means that you are prepared for an interview even if it is done on the spot. For example, at large conferences it is likely that media companies invite attendees to be interviewed during the event. That is the case at large events such as the Feria Internacional del Libro en Guadalajara where media networks interview professionals in the book industry. In the past, authors who attended the event got interviewed during the event. A one pager like this becomes handy for the interviewer and the author.